Send us your report, we will review the request and take the appropriate steps to stop any abuse and in cases where it is necessary to notify the competent authorities. In this way we can counteract the improper use of the internet and information technology that could in any way cause damage to our users.
Some examples of abuse
Violent, shocking, or inappropriate phrases or images. Material that promotes, encourages or is involved in the exploitation and abuse of minors within a site.
PhishingYou have received emails or have been redirected to a website requesting personal information.
SPAMSpam messages, unsolicited advertising.
Malware and VirusesSite involved in the distribution of viruses or other malware, or site that promotes, encourages or is involved in the intrusion or tampering of computers or networks.
Cyber-bullyingUse of the internet for intimidating purposes.
Copyright / trademark infringementSomeone copied your content.